Monday, February 11, 2008


Confession: voting for a Democrat is too mainstream for me to think that it's cool.


samsam said...

thanks boob....that makes me feel 80% better.

caitlin said...

i think i might vote libertarian this election. is that a waste?

Nate H. said...

Contrary to popular belief, voting for a third party is not throwing away your vote. If anything, the true waste is voting for one of the two parties that control American politics, who in turn are both controlled by narrow special interests, who both have shameful foreign policy records, and are both primarily concerned with institutional preservation despite whatever rhetoric they may rattle off regarding limited government or effective programs. The true waste would be to fail to make your voice reflect your opinion, to be part of a silent majority (ok, a plurality, maybe) and allow the Republican-Democrat establishment to go unchecked and unaccountable.