Wednesday, March 5, 2008


i drive a small truck. i hate big trucks and the people that drive them. today i was biking to a shoe repair shop to get a pair of courtney's flats fixed up. on the way home i was turning from univ. on to center st and a big diesel engine truck was coming around the corner and forced me against a curb. i wrecked between the side walk and the street as the truck spit black smoke out of its ass at me. i am a little scraped up but fine. i will probably need to replace the bar tape on my bike. i am ok with that. the sad part is that my favorite jeans got a rip in them, which hurts my heart.


mrs. everything said...

I'm so sorry!

manda said...

my heart is hurting for your jeans! i once got a new pair of jeans that i loved and then got green paint on the crotch. the heart pain is a lot less than yours, but i am slightly familiar with the pains.

samsam said...

one time my friend shot me in the leg with a bbgun and it hurt but i was more concerned that my jeans had been injured...they were fine...which sent a shudder of releif through my 13 year old heart.

and about the people that did this to you....ass holes. i wish you had the liscence plate i'd find it and key it and slash its tires.