Wednesday, November 26, 2008

gamer, pt. II

In high school, I played Warcraft II and Diablo a lot, including online with a friend on multiple occasions. I also played Final Fantasy VII every day for several hours until I beat it.

soap, a scoop of water, and my hand

I didn't use toilet paper for most of my mission.

i clean how my mom taught me....

i already posted about this on my blog, but i feel like its more of a confession than a dictated not read.....

i hired a house keeper. i feel like i am 40.

Monday, November 24, 2008

when quinn was a kid he always signed his papers "Quinn the Bold," or "Quinn, Boy of Destiny"

Saturday, November 22, 2008

i was pumping my fist along to some music and courtney said "you look so young and skinny when you do that."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I keep on seeing this person, a boy, everywhere I go.  I don't know him, or like him, but we have mutual friends. The more I see him, the more I become intrigued. Its like this snowballing obsession. 
i stalk people on the internet. people i have never met. people i will never meet. justifiable curiosity or over-the-line?

ps. i am TOO good at it. maybe perversely good at it.

i have recently developed a fear of....


I developed a fear of squirrels while living in San Francisco.

Raccoons, which are apparently abundant here (and previous to our move I had only seen a raccoon once- in a garbage can outside of Liberty Jail in Illinois) are like huge angry, demonic, squirrels. They lurk and hiss, and I nearly cried while listening to the Halloween episode of this American Life.

Friday, November 14, 2008

conformist, I Amn't

even though i love nothing more than to point out the conformist behavior of hipster culture (ironic theme gatherings, tight jeans, 90's hip hop lingo, fixed gear bicycles etc).....I'll be damned if I don't love a good 80's dance party, my levi skinnys, the affectionate "homie" and jumping on my gypsy-build fixie to go buy some fresh vegan meal-makings from the farmer's market. Is it even possible for my personal interests to so prolifically intersect spontaneously? Or, do I subconsciously really just want to be like them?..anyway, my confession is that i do, in fact, ride a fixed gear bicycle...embarrassing, i know....don't judge me....i need your approval....soo bad.


uhh, sometimes i miss my job at starbucks?
my favorite animal is the white bengal tiger.
what's yours?
today is the 3 yr anniversary of our first kiss.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

sometimes i sing, "i can't get enough of you baby!" by smash mouth to TJ. i don't think he likes it very much but i LOVE it!

Friday, November 7, 2008

when you're alone in a voting booth, anything can happen.....

Thursday, November 6, 2008

me and tj have shared toothbrushes twice this week. we aren't even married! too comfortable? mmmmmm.............i'm ok with it.
I had a friend pretty much tell me I'm not in good standing with the church because of my feelings about prop 8. What hurt more than her completely rocking me with her eloquence and well thought out argument was that her uncompromising, unabashed judgment and ability to completely disassociate herself from our friendship really, really hurt my feelings.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

calloused hand in calloused hand

somehow I felt like he was saying that to me...and maybe, just maybe it really moved me. to tears?

Monday, November 3, 2008


i am looking for new music to listen to. i like all kinds of music: happy or sad. cool or dumb. hipster or indie kid. fast or slow. loud or soft. please recommend some good new music that i can get into.


dreams instead of dollars

i love bane