Monday, April 20, 2009


so.... my neighbors cole and suzie had their baby this weekend. and i stopped by on sunday to deliver them a frozen lasagna. our conversation went as follows...

Me: So how was everything? How's the baby? I heard that she's in the NICMO?
Cole: NICMO?
Suzie: She's doing fine! She's going to be there for about two weeks.
Cole: I think you mean NICU?
Suzie: I can't beleive you said anything Cole!

Anyway...the story goes on with me trying not to feel like a complete idiot. I thought I was being super birthing savvy by knowing acronyms like NICU....but instead I end up looking like a total idiot. NICMO?!


The Gorbott said...

also, i think in order for the acronym to make sense it has to be NCMO

samsam said...

ahhh...even MORE embarrassment!

The Gorbott said...

its ok. life is just one big embarrassment.

mrs. everything said...

it was subconcious. you really want a non-committal make-out with your MARRIED friend. gross sam. gross.

canne said...

babies are dumb.

sara said...

samsam, you are funnypants sam. and don't feel too bad about it, i'm sure someone said the exact same thing... somewhere... sometime... maybe... not.