Tuesday, November 9, 2010

remember Meredith Brooks?

I couldn't find any pictures of her armpits but I did find this one of Julia Roberts

Gardner (my brother in-law) just asked me how I feel about having hairier armpits than him. Sometimes I think it is awesome. Sometimes it kind of grosses me out but not enough to motivate me to really do anything about it.

I just accidentally posted this to my regular blog. Anyone who follows me on googlereader will see it (hopefully that is no one). I guess I don't care that my armpits are hairy as long as no one sees or knows about them.


caitlin said...

confession: I google reader you. but it's cool. i'm your hairy armpit sistah. I was totally into my long armpit hair. Then I went to Japan and swam in the river with all my classmates, and found that I was embarrassed to raise my arms, so I went home and shaved... I felt like a failure. I now grow them out in waves, and then when I am sick of them, I wax.

betty said...

I am glad you google reader me! And that you have hairy armpits! And also wear clogs! Maybe in another life we would have been lesbian sistahs.
I waxed mine when I was in Brazil because...I was in Brazil. But I felt kind of like a failure too. A few months after that I waxed them when I used a gift certificate to a spa.
I am going to a homecoming dance themed party this weekend and will be dressing up. I'll probably wax for that. Shaving grosses me out more than hair does (it looks SO NASTY within just a day or two) so waxing every once in a long while seems like a good alternative. Question: do you trim before you wax?

Nate H. said...

I'm okay with girls with hairy armpits and legs. It's ideological though, not aesthetic. Because seriously, it's pretty gross.

caitlin said...

Ha ha , Bob, I like your honesty.

@ Betty: I don't trim before waxing. I actually just bought my own hard wax and warmer so I can do it myself (or make Dan do it), plus then I can wax my eyebrows, bikini, whatevah I want!

betty said...

I meant Paula Cole, not Meredith Brooks.