Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I don't know how I configured this nonsense wrong. Sorry about all those posts! I wondered where they were going...

What's the worst thing you ever did? What's the best thing you ever did?

I have done a few things that I would consider to be pretty awful. I'm not sure what you mean by "worst" but I will take it to mean hurtful. Growing up I was really really mean to my youngest sister. That was pretty awful. I was also really mean to people in general, and I was a really bad girlfriend to almost everyone I ever dated except for my first boyfriend (who my sister had a crush on- another bad thing) and Max, who I ended up marrying.
In high school I told an unfortunate looking boy a few years older than me that he was, "the ugliest person I have ever met". Even years later I feel really really bad about that.
One time I left my mom at the airport, on purpose. I may have also told her I never wanted to speak to her again...that was pretty awful too.
The best thing I ever did hasn't happened yet, I'm working on it though.

Ask me anything

I have monsters for hometeachers, how do I get rid of them?they call and come over way more than once a month and they don't even bring pie.Plus they made me say the prayer last time after they didn't laugh when I told them my cat wanted to say the prayer

Max and I once had a hometeacher like this. Notice I said, A HOMETEACHER. He always came by himself and never brought us sweets either, though in all fairness they probably wouldn't have been vegan anyway. Anyway, he was pretty weird, though I wouldn't call him a monster. He asked it he could dedicate our home for us...we said no. There are a few options for you, 1. STOP ANSWERING THE PHONE, 2. Next time you tell them your cat wants to say the prayer- insist on it, they will probably think you are crazy and a) never come back or b) tell the bishop you need hometeachers who are better equipped to handle your kind of crazy, 3. tell them they can only come over if they bring pie, 4. Tell them you have converted to Santeria and will no longer be needing hometeachers

Ask me anything

do you think animals like you more because they can sense you won't eat them?

What a funny question. Maybe? It depends on what kinds of animals you're talking about. Most people don't eat cats or dogs so it is pretty unlikely they would suspect anyone of eating them. Just saying.

Ask me anything

i read the news today, oh boy....

I don't want to define my happiness through the economic success of the country I live in. I feel like a lot of people do. This worries me.

Am I understanding your answer to the ke$ha question correctly to mean that Max likes Ke$ha but is embarrassed about it? Could you please say more about this?

You are correct. Max likes Ke$ha, but would probably never tell you. It all started with an All Things Considered episode when the commentators were talking about this pop song the appeal of which baffled one of them. I guess Max took to the internet, watched the video a few times, watched a few others and was hooked. I'm not exactly sure what is so embarrassing about liking her (I like TMBG so really it could be worse). He also likes La Roux- who I also really dislike. Go figure.

Ask me anything

Friday, April 23, 2010

office secrets!

everyone in my office is gone so i decided to help myself to one more piece of carrot cake!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

every teacher's worst nightmare

I have practically crippling anxiety triggered by writing papers. It takes me FOREVER to get anything done, so it's always late. Of course I never tell my teachers this because it sounds like a cop-out.

Needless to say, I'm pretty much a terrible student.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

i want to get married.....and that makes me very angry with myself. i don't like being dependent.